Introduction: Candle Animal is not just a candle company; it’s the culmination of my journey that has taken me from the busy streets of New York City to the serene beauty of Japan, to the shores of California, and eventually back home. It is a story of transformation, resilience, and a deep commitment to values that guide every aspect of our business.

The Beauty of Nature in Iwakuni: During my service, I was stationed in Iwakuni, Japan. I discovered a world where nature’s beauty took my breath away. Majestic mountains, tranquil rivers, and lush forests surrounded us, offering a contrast to the urban landscape I had known. It was here that where I fell in love with nature. I understood how important it was to save this beauty for future generations.

Facing Loss and Survivor’s Guilt: Yet, amidst this beauty, I experienced loss and the heavy burden of survivor’s guilt. I lost my grandfather, one of our aircraft crashed and I lost dear friends. I was alone in another country, and it was taboo to show mental weakness in the Marine Corps without the risk of jeopardizing your career. So I shoved the pain into a bottle and pretended it didn’t exist.

A Lifeline in Unexpected Places: Then I was stationed in California, where I thought I could find a fresh start. However, on the anniversary of the crash, I faced yet another devastating loss. One of our mentors, a guiding light in our lives, succumbed to the silent battles of mental health and took his own life. I was back in my country yet I never felt so alone. I tried everything that wouldn’t bother anybody. Nothing worked. I used Whiskey to soothe my nerves, and eventually that stopped working too.

A New Beginning in New York: I eventually made the journey back to New York City. Here, life told me it was no longer going to allow me to pretend to be okay. I was no longer just hurting myself but affecting the people I claimed to love. One day as I sat in self-loathing my wife’s cat, a creature i had disliked initially, kept insisting to cuddle next to me. If this creature, that didn’t understand me, wants to choose to be next to me. Then maybe I’m not as unworthy of my life as I think I am.

Light The Way: So I began to accept my pain. I began to go for nature walks, I started being more compassionate for myself, I gave up alcohol, I started to get along with my cat, and finally I started making candles as a creative outlet. This transformative experience inspired me to start Candle Animal. With my candles I want to make a positive impact to the things that saved my life. Nature, Animals, Mental Health Awareness, and dealing with PTSD. Our slogan, “Light The Way,” represents our commitment to being a beacon of hope, guiding you towards healing, self-discovery, and inner harmony.

Join Us on the Journey: I invite you to join us on this journey of healing and harmony, not only for yourself but for the planet. Our candles are more than products; they are companions for your moments of reflection, mindfulness, and serenity. With Candle Animal, you not only light a candle but also light the way towards a brighter, more compassionate, and sustainable world.

Candle Animal: Lighting The Way to Healing and Harmony, Sustainably and Ethically.


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